Making Small Changes But A Big Difference

Part of eating well is looking at what you're eating right now and making the required adjustments to turn it into something healthy. While this can at first feel like starvation, it helps you to sustain a regular habit of consistent eating, but enhances what it offers you in terms of nutrition. It's almost as much of a shift in mindset as anything else.

For instance, if you're accustomed to eating a burger for lunch, it may be a good idea to switch to a tuna or chicken sandwich on artisan bread. The idea remains the same—meat, bread, seasoning—and if it appears a bit tasteless in contrast, there's a fair amount of what you can do with pepper, paprika, or a couple of other mild spices.
For certain people, the thought of replacing a chocolate bar with an organic apple or wholesome bag of kale chips or a handful of dried fruit and nuts, is similar to replacing a bathtub with a fish bowl. However, if the apples are not for you, there is a wide variety of fruit that are filled with flavor and nutrients. And none of this means that you will never eat chocolate again. In fact, a chocolate bar on certain rare occasions may make it easier to stick to the diet long-term.  

Also, try to think about the role that soft drinks play in your diet. If you can replace even a few soft drinks every week with a refreshing glass of water or fruit juice instead, then you'll enjoy the benefits that this change brings. It may sound boring to read, but there really is no better thirst quencher on a hot day than a simple ice-cold glass of water. But for a touch of extra rejuvenating quality, try squeezing in a fresh slice of lime, which also helps balance the body's alkalinity levels and help stave off excessive sugar or food cravings.


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